Nationwide we HAUL it ALL!  Services start at $9.95, ANY SIZE… 7 days a week year round.

Faster than Amazon, Hauling items within Hours!  Learn More about SERVICES

Haultail is Nationwide from Courier to Big and Bulky Rapid Delivery. Learn More about LOCATIONS

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Haultail provides its services to not just consumers but also to B2B enterprises. If you ever make a large purchase order from Grainger, a leading organization that offers broad range of products for MRO (maintenance, repair and operating) supplies, then Haultail is just a few clicks away to help you get your consignments in a timely manner.
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Many businesses that are concerned about Grainger delivery are gradually looking for external tools and service providers to get their products on time and smoothly to their business locations. Haultail, with our expert team of drivers (our delivery partners), offers an end-to-end delivery solution with our wide range of trucks.

Whether you want a small single motor or some material handling supplies delivered or you are looking to have heavy motors or large safety equipment, Haultail – with its fleet of vehicles – can cater to your needs. While we have smaller vehicles, always on the road, either delivering or waiting for new orders, we also have drivers that own Box Trucks ensuring that we are able provide our services irrespective of the delivery item size.



We also have the smallest Courier Vehicles, plus Pickup Trucks for supplies weighing up to 3000-6000 lbs that can be booked on your App (both Android and iOS). Plus, regardless of where you expect the products to ship from Grainger’s 598 branches and 33 distribution centers, Haultail sign-up process remains the same. Here’s what you need to do to get started:
1. Download App from our website, Google Playstore or Apple Appstore
2. Choose the yellow app button
3. Allow Haultail to access your phone, camera, location and storage
4. Fill the Sign up form
With just these four steps, you can start leveraging Haultail services for any Grainger delivery. So if your is in the healthcare sector, real estate or manufacturing, with Haultail delivery app, it’s all the same experience – just a few clicks and have any supplies from Grainer, Inc. shipped to you in a set timeframe. For questions or queries, you can always reach out to us and we would be glad to assist. Try Haultail now!

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We updated our privacy policy as of February 24, 2020. Learn about our personal information collection practices here.