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Haultail® Pick Up Service

Are you looking for a helpful pick up service because you are either too busy or don’t have the time to get it done yourself? Haultail® is happy to offer a premium quality pick-up service so that you can keep on doing what you need to do without sacrificing your priorities. Our pick-up service is read more
Plastic trash is now found almost everywhere in the Arctic Ocean, but research that would trace its origin is lacking. The production of plastic has increased tremendously in recent decades, and it appears that it will multiply by the middle of the century, Vísir reports. According to a new report, made by the Belfer Center read more
Last June, I took the plunge and decided to buy a Tesla Model 3. I was oddly nervous before buying it- is it worth the price? Will I regret having an electric car? How will I ever go on road trips!? I watched every YouTube video. Looked up everything I possibly could before buying the read more
As the coronavirus pandemic cripples the U.S. economy, corporate giants are turning to Congress for help. Polluting industries have been among the first in line: Congress has already bailed out airlines, and coal companies have snagged over $30 million in federal small-business loans. Big Plastic is next in line with what might seem a surprising read more
Found in crustacean shells, chitin is a natural polymer that has many uses once processed. Now, scientists have developed a fruit waste-based fermentation process for getting it out of those shells – and the technique results in better-quality chitin, to boot. Chitin (and its derivative, chitosan) has received a lot of attention in recent years. read more
Tesla Inc. suspended production at its plant on the outskirts of Shanghai, according to people familiar with the matter, bringing to a halt all of the company’s vehicle manufacturing globally. The electric-car maker informed factory workers who were supposed to return to work Wednesday, after China’s five-day Labor Day break, that their holiday would be read more

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